so yeah i knew family law wasn't for me  but it there is sometimes some you

know  some really juicy tea between people  what's up you guys it's your girl

angela  with the aspiring boss welcome back to  my channel  in today's Article i'm

going to be talking  about different practice areas of law  okay  so i've noticed


that a lot of my  subscribers are  either in law school or aspiring lawyers  still

in high school or still in college  and one thing that i realized and this  was

me as well that as an aspiring  lawyer  sometimes you don't even know exactly 

what that entails  right like you know you want to be a  lawyer but before you go

to law school  before you get exposure to different  types of law you kind of

don't  really know all the types of law that  there is because you guys there are so

 many different types of law  like so so so many so today i'm going to  be

touching on  just a variety of different practice  areas of law and by no means is this

 list comprehensive by no means am i  going to be able to go over  every

different type of law but i am  just going to go through about 15 to 20  different types

of law we'll see how  many i come up with but  um just a disclaimer i'm not going

to go  into much detail because there are so  many  and obviously i only practice

you know  one type of law so i can't speak to  everything  i just can give a

general overview and  if something clicks for you and that  feels like something you

might want to  do  then i encourage you all to go do your  research on that type of

law  and see if you can get exposure to it  and really understand what it is  so

when you go to law school or when you  graduate you will know  exactly what type of

job that you are  looking to get so like i said it's a  long list so i'm going to

go through  them quickly by no means am i claiming  to know everything about what

these  types of lawyers do  just trying to give you guys a general  overview just in

case something piques  your interest  and you can go explore on your own so  let's

jump right in.

Corporate Law ( Transactional ) :

 so the first type of  law i'm going to talk about  of course is

business corporate law  and obviously if you guys have been on  my channel you know

that i  practice transactional business  corporate law you know there's different 

names for it but  essentially i practice transactional  corporate law just like with

all the  practice areas i'm going to talk about  there is a multitude of

subsections  under  business law right but essentially  corporate law relates to rules and

 regulations  for business entities so essentially  corporate business lawyers

assist  clients who are businesses with running  the legal aspect of their business 

like i said there's so many subsections  and you know you got your day-to-day 

general corporate work with respect to  helping clients drive contracts  negotiate

contracts draft employment  agreements before their employees  um what i do mergers in

acquisition sell  their company buy their company  buy assets of another company sell some

 assets of their company  there's so many routes you can go under  business law

right  but if you're the type of person who  feels like you really don't want to be 

in court  you really don't want to be drafting  motions and reading briefs and

things  like that you rather be  you know helping businesses operate and  advising

businesses  you might want to look into you know  business  law okay all right 

Bankruptcy Law :

so next type of  practice bankruptcy law  so bankruptcy lawyers do exactly what it  sounds

like bankruptcy lawyers represent  clients as they're navigating the  process  of

going through bankruptcy and this  could be an individual or it could be a  business

as some of you may or may not  know bankruptcy is a legal proceeding in  which an

individual or business is  basically unable to repay the debts that  they owe to

creditors so a bankruptcy  court will help  these businesses or individuals evaluate 

their assets  and figure out how to repay their  creditors so  basically bankruptcy

lawyers help with  that i've actually had a little bit of  experience with bankruptcy

law  just a tad i just helped on some due  diligence and things like that and a 

couple of transactions throughout my  career  definitely not for me but i will say 

that  bankruptcy lawyers come in handy in  times like this in times like 2008  and

you always need a good bankruptcy  lawyer all right .

Civil Law :

so this next one  is huge just

like business law civil  litigation  when i say civil litigation that is such  a

broad  category so many different sub sections  or practice areas go under civil 

litigation  basically the best way to describe civil  litigation is  court disputes that

are not related to  you know criminal law so in civil  litigation you're gonna

have  a lawsuit between you know two or more  parties where  one of our parties

will be the plaintiff  and the other party  or parties will be the defendant so the

 plaintiffs  sue the defendant for some sort of  injury or harm that they've

alleged has  been caused  by the defendant and um they are suing  for some sort of

damage it's usually  money  um and so like i said there's so many  different types of

law under  civil litigation just to name a few you  think of contract disputes 

you know you think of landlord tenant  issues you know if you're trying to  evict

your tenant  or you know if somebody hits you with  their car  or you guys got in a

car accident and  you're hurt and you want to sue them so  really  it really

individuals or businesses  suing each other  where no crime no actual crime is  involved 

all right .

Civil Rights Law :

so the next type of attorney  is a civil rights attorney and honestly 

they do just like it sounds they spend  their time advocating for people's  civil

rights in areas such as you know  human rights  equality rights social justice cases

of  discrimination  you know gender discrimination race  discrimination as you

guys know there  are laws put in place to  protect people no matter what you you 

know your race age  sex or anything like that is when a  person's civil rights have

been violated  civil rights lawyers will come in and  advocate uh for people  you

know on the right so an example  would be you know any kind of  discrimination 

claim um say you have been you know  discriminated against because of your  age you

know ageism  civil rights lawyer will advocate on  your behalf because you've been 

discriminated against  because of your age i definitely um tip  my hat off to any civil

rights lawyers  because you are very much  needed and very much appreciated all 

right .

Criminal Law :

the next one is criminal law so i  feel like this is  the type of law that

most people are  familiar with just because it's  portrayed so much on tv  but when

i think of criminal i think of  two different types of lawyers the first  would

be  criminal lawyers who work for the  government whether that be in the 

capacity of a prosecutor  or a district attorney and those would  be the people that

are charging  criminals  with you know the crime and trying to  get  you know

justice for whatever victim and  put people behind bars  and the other type of

government lawyer  would be the public defenders you know  everyone has a right to a

lawyer if they  can't afford to get one on their own  and so those are the people who

would  defend the people who are being charged  with the crime  the other type would

be you know people  who work for themselves and they they're  not associated with

the government and  they're just really criminal defense  lawyers those are the

people that  you know if you don't want a public  defender you want you know  someone

who you think will really  advocate for your rights you go to them  to defend you

for any crime you've been  charged with whether that be  you know murder robbery

drug crime  dui anything like that that's what you  would go to a criminal defense

attorney  for  the other thing to mention about  criminal law is a lot of criminal 

defense lawyers  will niche down in the type of crimes  that they  defend there's

people out there who only  do murder cases they only defend people  who've been

charged with murder there's  people out there who only do dwis like  that is  their

niche so some people will do a  range of things  and some people will niche down to

just  one type and like that become their thing .

 Entertainment Law :

all right the next type of lawyer

is entertainment lawyer which is funny  because i used to think i wanted to be 

an entertainment lawyer until i realized  how much intellectual property law was 

involved in that  and then i realized you probably need to  live in like california new

york  and so yeah that dream quickly faded but  entertainment lawyers are  lawyers

who assist people in the  entertainment industry  think actresses singers uh you

know  sports players and assist them with  legal matters you know pertaining to the

 entertainment industry  now entertainment lawyers can be  transactional

lawyers or  litigators or they can do both so on the  transactional side  you think

negotiating and preparing  contracts uh you think helping with  marketing and branding

deals you know  advertising deals things like that and  obviously as a litigator you

know  if you've been sued you know for  copyright or something like that  obviously

they will help you with that  as well one thing that i think is less  widely known

when people think of  entertainment lawyers like outside of  the lawyer community 

is intellectual property is a huge  component of being an  entertainment lawyer

you should know  your intellectual property law if you're  going to be an

entertainment lawyer  because entertainment lawyers will help  their clients with things

like you know  trademarks  copyright making sure that client isn't  infringing on

someone else's trademark  or someone else's copyright and things  like that so  you

think of singers and and songs and  things that you like even here on  youtube like 

one of my last Articles i had to take it  down and redo it because i was playing 

nipsey hustle in the background and as  soon as i uploaded it  youtube notified me

that somebody had  claimed that that music was copyrighted  and you know if i were

to keep it on my  channel they could make money off of it  if i would have made

money off of it  they would be entitled to  you know a piece of that money because 

they own the music so i say all that to  say that intellectual property law is 

really really  important in the entertainment law  industry .

Intellectual Property Law :

so while we're on

intellectual  property law we can just switch on to  you know a full-blown intellectual 

property lawyer  intellectual property law is similar to  most of the different types

of law i've  been talking about where intellectual  property lawyers can either

go the  transaction route  or the litigation route or they can do  both i feel

like a lot of them do  quasi because it crosses over to you  know litigation  and

transactional because intellectual  property lawyers are going to help  people and

businesses protect their  brands you know you think of nike you  can't just  you know

print a shirt with the nike  sign on it because nike has that  protected  you know

under intellectual property  laws all right.

Family Law :

so next type of law is  family law 

family lawyers are going to be the  people who represent people in family  related

issues so you think  divorce child custody child support  alimony prenups you know

those types of  things that's what a family lawyer is  going to help you  do and

actually i actually have a little  bit of experience with family law  my 2l year i did

a spring internship  at a family law firm and it was  interesting i knew it

wasn't for me  um because it was just too much drama  like the due diligence like  uh

or whatever you call it on the  litigation side i think they call it doc  review 

and transactional side you call it due  diligence but reading through  you know

text from the mom versus the  dad  and you know you know two people trying  to get

custody and so they're trying to  bring out the worst of the  the other it just wasn't

my thing and  there's actually a saying within the  legal community like  if you

practice family law you get the  worst of people be like they're on the  worst behavior

than the ugliest because  you know it's a really contentious space  where you know

two people are getting  divorced they have kids  and both sides want custody

neither size  wants to pay  you know child support or whatever so  you just get the

worst of people  and they say in criminal law you get the  best of people because

people are on  their best behavior they're putting  their best foot forward because

they  don't want to go to jail  so yeah i knew family law wasn't for me  but it

there is sometimes some you know  some really juicy tea between people .

Environmental Law :

but moving on the next type of lawyer  i'm going to talk about is an  environmental lawyer 

environmental lawyers basically work on  behalf of their clients to ensure that 

environmental  related laws are being complied with so  when you think of environmental you 

think of like you know the clean water  act  protecting endangered species global 

warming sustainability  you know uh dealing with waste and trash  and recycling and

things like that  additionally though there is there are  some environmental lawyers

who i feel  like work in more of a  like non-profit type of area where  they are

advocating to enact and put  into place  laws and regulations that protect the 

environment so those same issues but  the laws aren't there yet to enforce  they're trying

to advocate to have these  laws  put in place to protect the environment  all

right .

Labor and Employment Law :

the next type of law is labor  and employment law so labor and  employment law

 relates to matters and issues you know  between employers and employees as you

 guys know  so under labor employment issues you  know the compensation 

discrimination sexual harassment if  they're not giving your benefits  dealing with unions

and things like that  essentially as an employment lawyer  you will either

represent the employee  who feels like they've been wronged by  the employer like  say

for example you know the ceo  sexually  harassed someone and they want to sue 

them or they're not being paid overtime  you know in accordance with labor laws 

you would represent the employee in  suing the employer and then you have  lawyers

who work on behalf of the  employer  so employers you know are defending 

themselves from the claims against  employees because they're not true .

Personal Injury Law :

 so the next type

of law is personal injury  law and honestly  personal injury falls under the

civil  litigation bucket because it is you know  one person suing another i thought

it  made sense to touch on it a little bit  briefly  just because it's such a big

aspect of  law when you think of personal injury  you know think of those commercials

 where you know  have you been hit by a truck or have you  been harmed by

so-and-so so basically  with personal injury  one party will sue another party because 

they feel they have a claim because that  party  has injured them in some way

whether  that be physically emotionally or  mentally yes it's not just physical  you

can sue somebody who caused you  emotional  or uh mental damage as well so when i 

think of personal injury i  like the main ones i think of are car  accidents um slip

and fall like in the  grocery store  and wrongful death all right .

Real Estate Law :

the next  category is real estate law and i've  actually had some experience in real  estate law

i've started my career doing  real estate law  and as an m a lawyer it's a part of

my  practice but i'm not a real estate  lawyer  there are so many things that

fall under  real estate first you got to separate  residential and commercial 

residential deals more with you know  houses and commercials more with you  know business

spaces  so but real estate basically involves  everything related to land  and

property some of the types of things  real estate lawyers will do on the  transactional

side  draft leases uh drop documents  drive contracts for people to purchase  or

sell real estate  on the litigation side if there's a  matter between you know

landlord tenant  there's a subsection of real estate  where they're a real estate

finance  lawyer so they help with the lending  part of purchasing property so  all

right .

Tax Law :

next type of lawyer is a tax  lawyer a tax  lawyer is obviously going to

specialize  in tax law and you guys oh my god as a  transactional lawyer  tax lawyers are

a gift from god they're  so important to  transactions tax lawyers can represent

 individuals or they can represent  companies i  when i work with tax lawyers

it's more  in a company space because obviously i'm  a transactional  business

lawyer but essentially tax  attorneys are going to assist  individuals and businesses

 and coming up with ways to avoid or ease  their tax burden we all nobody wants

to  pay taxes  um we all know the tax code is like a  cheat code and if you know

the tax code  you can structure things  to ease your tax burden so a good tax 

attorney will help you do that  so some tax attorneys will also help  individuals who

are in trouble with  their taxes you know with irs and stuff  like that so  like i

said there's a variety of things  that tax lawyers do but one thing i do  know  is

they're super important all right .

Banking and Finance Law :

the  next type of lawyer is a banking and  finance

lawyer and along with real  estate i did have experience with this  starting my

career i don't do much  lending work or anything like that  anymore  but i do get

exposure to it just given  my general kind of corporate m  a practice a banking and

finance lawyer  is going to assist lenders and borrowers  with you know arranging the

whole  loan transaction lending process as with  every category that i mentioned

there's  so many subsections some of the things  that they might do is like  drop the

actual loan agreement and  security agreement and just the loan  documents that go

into a loan  transaction  when a bank is lending money to a person  or a company 

you know there's going to be a loan  agreement there's going to be usually be  a

security agreement there's going to be  a bunch of ancillary documents you know  to 

complete the whole lending transaction  and so  lending a banking and finance attorney 

will help with that some banking and  finance attorneys also help banks with 

compliance as you guys know you know  there's a bunch of laws related to  lending  and

banks are held to certain standards  that they have to comply with  lost change

banking and finance lawyers  will make sure that a bank's policies  procedures

practices documents are in  compliance with  banking and lending laws all right .

Wills and Trusts Law ( Estate Planning ) :

the next type of attorney is an estate  planning attorney so an estate planning 

attorney will assist clients with estate  planning matter they will help you plan  for

things in instances where you know  you die or you can  become incapacitated they

will help you  plan for that so  you know your money your assets  everything goes

to the people that you  wanted to go  in the manner that you wanted to go they 

will drive documents such as wheels  trusts powers of attorneys and other you  know

estate planning related documents  like that  i feel like the most important role

that  estate planning lawyers play  is they helped you figure out how to 

distribute your assets  you know after death or when you become  incapacitated  in a tax

advantaged way right everyone  knows that  the irs is coming for the coins you know  even

if you die they're gonna come for  your beneficiaries coins right so  okay so say

you just leave a bunch of  money  you leave millions of dollars a million  dollars

worth of assets to your daughter  when you die  well if you don't have that

structured  in a tax advantage way because you  consulted with a good  estate planning

attorney your daughter  is gonna face some tax burdens for that  and so i think that's

probably the  biggest edge they got is  they will help you distribute um your  wealth 

and your assets in a tax advantaged way  and even if you don't have a bunch of 

money it's still important to work with  the estate planning attorney  because if

you no matter what you got if  it's a little bit or a lot you want to  make sure

it goes to  you know who you want to go to and you  don't want your family

fighting and  things like that you know when you die .

Immigration Law :

all right the last type of law

i'm going  to talk about today  is immigration law immigration law of  course like

everything has a wide range  of sub  practices but essentially immigration  lawyers are

going to help people just  with that they're going to help people  with attaining

citizenship  attaining work visas attaining student  visas they're going to help prevent 

people from getting deported  and also they're going to help employers  who are

trying to hire people who aren't  citizens and  and help um employers comply with the

 laws related to that  because there is a process for that if  you are an

employer and you're hiring  employees  there is a process for hiring people who  are

not citizens you know at least here  in the united states so i feel like i  just

said a mouthful and like i said i  try to go really short and really quick  so i

can get through a lot of different  types of law  the purpose of this Article was

just to  give you a little bit of information  about  several types of practices of

law just  in case something piques your interest  and you can go  chase and seek

more information about  that type of law  maybe try to get an internship maybe try 

to you know have an informational  session with someone who  practices that type

of law so you can  start thinking about what type of law  you want to do because

i will tell you  if you're not in law school yet and you  get to law school it's

not going to be  just some  magic that clicks you're going to have  to you're

going to have to talk to  people  well for most people some people like i  know i

want to be a litigator  but for a lot of people you you there's  no way for you to

know except to do your  research to talk to people who do it and  to get experience

 so with that go do your research i hope  this Article was helpful  if you made

it all the way through that  means you did like the Article so go ahead  and give

me a like  go ahead and hit that subscribe button  if you are not already

subscribed i'm  not really sure what you're waiting on  but today is the day  and make

sure you have that notification  bell on so you get notified  every time i upload a

Article alright you  guys thanks so much for watching i'll  see y'all in the next

Article bye  

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