. How To Choose a Criminal Defense Attorney - 3 Factors to Consider

How To Choose a Criminal Defense Attorney - 3 Factors to Consider

Introduction TO How To Choose a Criminal Defense Attorney

 in this Article we will answer the  question about how  you go about finding a

criminal defense  lawyer to represent you with criminal  charges that you may be facing

 the answer to that question is coming  right up  i'm steve gastines and this

is my  channel gastitis law  here at castatus law we provide people  hope  by

imparting knowledge to them about the  criminal justice system  and criminal charges

that they may be  facing  if you enjoy the content here on my  channel if you find 

it helpful to you please consider  subscribing to the channel  and you can do

that by clicking on the  link below in the description  so how do you go about

tackling the very  challenging problem  of finding the best criminal defense  lawyer to

represent you  in your criminal case well there are  three tips three things that i

think you  should consider  when making that important decision  first you need to

consider the lawyers  competence and we'll discuss how you can  investigate that  and

get information about the lawyers  experience  and their expertise secondly you

need to  consider  the lawyer's work ethic and again there  are ways that you can

research lawyers  on the internet  to get a sense of how hard they work  their

responsiveness  how good their staff may work with  clients in the office  and we'll talk

about that as well and  then of course third  the the last on the list is price 

most criminal defense lawyers will  charge you a fixed fee  most will not quote

fees over the phone  which will  of course necessitate a personal visit  with a

lawyer  in their office which is always a good idea  

1- Research Determination of Lawyers Competence

the first item on the list is a research and determination of the  lawyer's competence  and one way to get

started assessing a  lawyer's competence  is to go to their website on a lawyer's 

website you will find  i would say pretty reliable information  about how long they've

practiced law  you may find information about what  types of cases they typically

represent  and that's going to be important to you  because some cases  require a skill

set by the lawyer that  may be different than  another type of case for instance

if  you're charged with  a driving while intoxicated type offense  those cases

How To Choose a Criminal Defense Attorney - 3 Factors to Consider

are extremely technical  extremely scientific  and you'll need to have a lawyer

who is  competent in that particular area  so the website is a great place to

start  to make a determination about the  lawyers competence  there you can also

learn about any  special certifications  that they may have acquired you might  find

 interesting blog articles that they've  written about their experience 

there's lots of information that you can  get on the website  to help you begin to

ascertain the  lawyers  competence level

2-  Assess Lawyers Work Ethic

now how do you go about assessing a  lawyer's 

work ethic now i think the best way to  assess a lawyer's  work ethic is to find

information on the  internet  written by former clients that suggest  how hard or not hard

a particular lawyer  will work for you  a lawyer may be maybe extremely 

competent  but if they don't work hard for you if  they don't respond to you  they don't

take care of you then that  may not be the lawyer  that you should be choosing in

your  particular situation  so again go to the internet  and there are three

websites that i  would recommend that you can  look to for independent  often time

anonymous reviews the first  is avo  avo.com is a website that is  that is tailored

towards lawyers in all  areas of practice  and there you can find many times  reviews

written by former clients  other places you can go to look of  course are yelp and of

course  google maps is also an excellent place  to locate  reviews about lawyers so

after having a  chance to read those reviews and the  quality of those reviews  you

can get a sense of how hard the  lawyer works and how responsive they are  to

their clients and their needs 

3- Price and Expenses

as you talk about price and expenses  remember that

sometimes these prices  might be negotiable  and don't be afraid to talk with a  lawyer

about that and sometimes  payment plans may be available through  the lawyer's

office  to help you pay out the fee over a  certain period of time  finally after you

have considered the  lawyer's competence  the lawyer's work ethic and the price 

that you'll be paying for the legal  services  now comes time to pull the trigger

to  make a decision  about which lawyer you think is going to  be best for you  i

hope this video was helpful to you if  you enjoyed the video  if you thought it was

helpful please  consider giving it a thumbs up  and also please don't forget to 

subscribe to the channel  you can also visit my website at  www.gastitislaw.com  and

there you can read blog posts that  i've written over the years about my  law

practice you can download my free  book  on defending dwis or you can sign up for  my

free quarterly newsletter that i send  out  four times a year in any case i 

appreciate your visiting  and thank you for watching  .

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