. The Role of the Prosecutor - Universal Law

The Role of the Prosecutor - Universal Law

Introduction To The Role of the Prosecutor

 there's been a lot of attention on  district attorneys lately and the 

prosecutors role in the criminal justice  system but you might not know all the  things

the DA does the limits on the  DA's power and the ways the DA's have  already been

changing their approach to  prosecution in recent years the DA's  number one

responsibility is keeping our  community safe we do that in three basic  ways that we call

the three P's  prosecute criminals who break the law  work to prevent crimes from

happening in  the first place .

Role of the Prosecutor

The Three Ps :

and protect and support victims of crime  and make sure

their voices are heard  when you think of the DA you probably  think prosecutors

well that's a big part  of our job the power we have to hold  criminals accountable

is carefully  defined by the law and our ethical  responsibilities when someone's

arrested  we carefully review the facts and the  evidence we can only file the criminal

 charges we believe we can prove beyond a  reasonable doubt our job includes 

protecting the rights of the innocent as  well as those we charged with a crime .

The Justice System :

then the case moves through the justice  system which provides checks and  balances and

accountability public  defenders criminal defense attorneys and  judges all play a role in

how the case  will resolve prosecutors alone don't  determine a person's

punishment if  they're convicted that's up to a judge  and jury once we've proved our

case our  goal is always fair and equal justice  for everyone but also justice

that's  smart and reflects the needs of our  society and the will of the people  as

prosecutors we also have the ability  to give people second chances that's why  we work

with special courts that steer  people away from jail still hold them  accountable

but get them the help they  need to break the cycle and stay out of  jail  help

like mental health treatment  finding a place to live or kicking a  drug or alcohol

addiction .

Restorative Justice :

 we also  support restorative justice programs  that help offenders understand

the harm  that they've caused you a particular  victim or community that's one way

we  prevent crime but there are lots of  others we work with youth to help them 

make a choices and stay in school we  support programs that help people who  are

coming out of prison to find jobs  and we let the public know how to  recognize and

report crimes like child  abuse elder abuse sexual assault and  human trafficking the

third big part of  our job is protecting and supporting  victims of crime in a

typical year the  DA's office comes into contact with  thousands of victims and we

help them in  lots of ways we help get them emotional  support for the trauma they

suffer from  having a child or loved one murdered or  the emotional pain from a

violent crime  like rape we help victims even when we  can't file charges against the

person  who hurt them  we sometimes even use therapy dogs to  help them testify in

court and tell  their story our  we do all of this on behalf of you the  people we

embrace reform but will always  work to make sure change happens in a  way that

continues to keep our  neighborhoods and you safe and we're  accountable to you and to

the laws in  every state across the nation .

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